
eBay Listing JavaScript properties

Name Type Access Description
title String read/write The listing’s title.
subTitle String read/write The listing’s subtitle.
itemDescription String read/write The listing’s description.
convertDescriptionToHTML Boolean read/write Convert text attributes (bold, italic, etc.) in the description to HTML when listing.
convertMarkdownToHTML Boolean read/write Convert Markdown syntax in the description to HTML when listing.
images Array of Image objects read-only The listing’s images.
privateComment String read/write The private comment entered in GarageSale for this listing.
siteID Integer read/write The numeric id of the site (eBay USA, eBay UK, eBay Motors) for this listing.
tag Integer read/write The index of the colored tag of this listing. A value of zero indicates no tag is used.
sku String read/write The listing’s SKU.
useSKU Boolean read/write Indicates if the ‘Use SKU’ option is enabled.
conditionDescription String read/write The condition description.
isStoreListing Boolean read/write Indicates if this listing is a store listing.
useLotSize Boolean read/write Indicates if the ‘lot’ option is enabled.
lotSize Integer read/write The size of the lot offered.
itemCost Float read/write The value of GarageSale’s private cost field.
useAutoPay Boolean read/write Indicates if the ‘immediate payment’ option is enabled.
useBestOffer Boolean read/write Indicates if the ‘best offer’ option is enabled.
useStartingBid Boolean read/write Indicates if this listing will be available as an auction.
startingBid Float read/write The starting price of the listing.
useBuyItNowPrice Boolean read/write Indicates if the listing is available for immediate purchase.
buyItNowPrice Float read/write The price at which the listing is offered for immediate purchase.
useReservePrice Boolean read/write Indicates if the ‘reserve price’ option is enabled.
reservePrice Float read/write The value of the reserve price.
autoAcceptBestOffer Boolean read/write Indicates if ‘best offers’ can be automically accepted depending on height of the offer.
autoAcceptBestOfferPrice Float read/write The threshold above which ‘best offers’ are automatically accepted.
autoDeclineBestOffer Boolean read/write Indicates if ‘best offers’ can be automically declined depending on height of the offer.
autoDeclineBestOfferPrice Float read/write The threshold below which ‘best offers’ are automatically declined.
useVAT Boolean read/write Indicates if listing includes some kind of sales tax.
taxOrVatPercent Float read/write The percentage of sales tax charged when the listing sells.
conditionName String read/write The condition of the item.
supportedConditionNames Array of Strings read-only The valid conditions for the currently selected categories.
productBarCode String read/write The barcode of the item sold.
bidCount Integer read-only The number of bids the listings has received so far.
currentBid Float read-only The current bid of the listing.
useDesign Boolean read/write Indicates if a design is used.
designIdentifier String read/write The internal identifier of the design used.
useLayout Boolean read/write Indicates if a specific layout should be used in the selected design.
layoutName String read/write The name of layout used.
duration Integer read/write The number of days your listings stays online. Use a value of 1000 to indicate a good-til-canceled (GTC) listing.
handlingCost Float read/write The amount you charge for packaging and handling when an item sells.
isStoreListing Boolean read/write Indicates if this listing should appear in the seller’s store on eBay.
autorestartEnabled Boolean read-only Indicates if this listings uses GarageSale’s automatic restart feature.
autocancelEnabled Boolean read-only Indicates if this listings uses GarageSale’s automatic cancelation feature.
attributes Map read/write The attributes (item specifics).
itemID String read-only The eBay listing id for started listings.
userProperties Map read/write The listings’s user properties as map/dictionary. Keys and values are strings.
variations Array of Variations read-only The listings’s variations.
shippingOptions Shipping Options read-only The listings’s shipping options.
views Integer read-only The listing’s number of views.
watchers Integer read-only The listing’s number of watchers.
startDate String read-only The listing’s start date.
manufacturer Product Person object read-only The listing’s product manufacturer.
productResponsiblePersons Array of Product Person objects read-only The listing’s product safety resposponsible person.
productDocuments Array of Product Document objects read-only The listing’s product safety documents.

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