

The GarageSale Preferences/Settings can be accessed via the “GarageSale” menu.

GarageSale Preferences

In the General window you can check for updates, reset dialog warnings and define various options:


Editing Listing Icon Colors

By clicking on “Edit Colors…” you can define a custom color for each listing state:

Edit Icons

If you select “Color row background in listing section” you can use the same colors to highlight the listing titles in Outline View, like this:

Title Color

video icon Watch video tutorial #8: Customizing icon colors

Editing Tags

Colored tags allow you to highlight your listings and orders. You can give each tag color a custom name and disable tags you don’t want to use. To do this click on Edit Tags…

Edit Tags

The footer will be added below every listing. You can choose between multiple default footer layouts, use a custom footer or disable it.

Footer in Listings

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