
eBay's Business Policies

Profile Menus

Profiles (aka “policy templates”) for payments, shipping, and returns are part of what eBay calls “Business Policies”.

The idea is that – instead of defining your settings for payments, shipping, and returns for each listing again and again – you set up profiles that contain your desired settings once. When you create a listing, you then simply choose from your list of predefined profiles. You can have multiple profiles, of course.

Another advantage is that you don’t have to redo all your listings if you just want to change your e.g. return settings. If you use a return profile instead, you simply update that profile and you are done.

To learn more about eBay’s business policies please see the eBay help here:

How to create and manage profiles?

To start using business policies, you need to opt in on the eBay website, if not done already.

You can create and manage your profiles from the Business Policies dashboard in the Account section of “My eBay” on the eBay website.

Important: If you have edited or deleted profiles, or created new ones on the eBay website, please download these changes in GarageSale by clicking on Update Account Details in the GarageSale Preferences > Accounts.

Update Account Details

How to select profiles in GarageSale?

If you want to use profiles, just make sure the Use Profiles checkbox is selected. Then select the desired profiles for Payments, Shipping, and Returns.

Profile Menus


Good to Know

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