
Configuring Events

Each event can contain several listings. You can drag additional listings from the main window’s listing section to the listings table of the Scheduler window to add them to the selected event.

Add Listings

A scheduler event has a start date and an interval specifying the time passing between each listing’s start. If needed you can also select the eBay account which should be used to start the scheduled listings.

Once you made all your settings make sure to actually activate the event by selecting the “Enable Event” checkbox. If not enabled, the scheduled listings won’t be started at the given time.

Please note:

Enable Event

Remember that GarageSale needs to be running and your Mac has to be connected to the Internet for your listings to start at the desired time.

In the GarageSale preferences > eBay > Advanced you can tell GarageSale to “Prevent system from sleep while scheduling listings”. This is a great idea when scheduling listings to start at times when your Mac is typically not in use!

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