
Adding Videos

eBay now supports adding videos to your listings. Currently, an added video is automatically displayed in the image gallery of the live listing in the eBay app and the mobile browser.
You can only add one video per listing, but you can use the same video on multiple listings - you just need to upload it once. This is how:

Managing and Uploading Videos

Select Show Video Upload Window from GarageSale’s Window menu. Show Video Upload Window

This is where you upload your videos to eBay and where you can manage your already uploaded videos. Once uploaded you can add them to your listings.

Video Upload Window

In the Video Upload Window click on the “+” button in the toolbar and select your local video file. Enter a title for your video and optionally a short description. After clicking on Upload Video the video will be uploaded to eBay.

Browse Videos

Please note: Processing the video might take a while for the eBay system. In the Video Upload Window the status of this process is shown. Once your video has been uploaded and processed successfully its status will change to “Live”.

Adding a Video to Your Listing

Uploaded videos can be added to a listing. To do this use the Select eBay Video command from the “+” button at the bottom of the Editor mode or from the image context menu.

Select Video

This opens a panel showing all your uploaded videos. Click on a video, then use the Select button to add it to your listing.

Select Video Panel

The added video is shown at the bottom of the image field in GarageSale’s Editor mode:

video added to a listing

Once you have started the listing, the video will be available in the image gallery of your eBay live listing.

video on eBay website

Video Format Requirements

Please find all details on the “Adding a video to your listing” eBay help page:

Removing Video From Listing

To remove a video from a listing go to Editor Mode, move your mouse cursor over the video, and click on the minus button.

Remove Video

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